Far3: Macro to select same/similar file on other panel

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Far3: Macro to select same/similar file on other panel

Post by farman »

while playing around with lua I tried to write a more accurate macro to select same/similar file on other panel. And then I got in a lot of trouble while comparing filenames:
- Undocumented or rarely documented FAR-api (and the not existing english docu)
- ASCII/ANSI/Unicode support of lua/FAR
- Comparing filenames and finding the right positon of the similar filename in FAR
To make it short: I tried a lot, cried out sometimes and ended up with this "best" version.

But what I really like to have is a little more. Doing a search for 2 example files ('1Filename4a.txt', '2Filename.txt') in Passive panel should lead to the green results:
  • 1Filename1a.txt << Fastsearch selects this item for '1Filename4a.txt' ...>>
    1Filename1c.txt << ... but should select the nearest Filename for '1Filename4a.txt' >>
    << '2Filename.txt' should be "virtually" placed here (Fastsearch can't do that) >>
And of course this should work with unicode too. :)
If it is possible to make a macro for that, maybe someone knows how to do this?
Or it is better to pack up some beer, send it the coders and place a wish in mantis?

2013-04-15 Edit:
- Fixed the code to overcome the API limitations. Now using a static table for sorting purpose.
- Still using Fastsearch. If Fastsearch doesn't find the file then select nearest file

Code: Select all

--  Valid Filesystem UNICODE Chars: Space (32) to greek Omega (974)
--  Only chars that are defined in "Lucida Console". Sorted by name like FAR 3.0.3235 does
local FARSortOrder = {
127, 39, 42, 63, 45, 173, 32, 160, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 46, 59, 64, 91, 93, 710, 94, 34, 95, 903, 96, 123, 125, 126, 161, 166, 168, 175,
713, 180, 184, 191, 711, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 894, 900, 901, 43, 61, 177, 171, 187, 215, 247, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 172, 174, 176,
181, 182, 183, 48, 188, 189, 190, 185, 49, 178, 50, 179, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 170, 192, 224, 193, 225, 194, 226, 195, 227, 196, 228, 197,
229, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 506, 507, 65, 97, 198, 230, 508, 509, 66, 98, 199, 231, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 67, 99, 208, 240,
270, 271, 272, 273, 68, 100, 200, 232, 201, 233, 202, 234, 203, 235, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 69, 101, 70, 102, 401, 402,
284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 71, 103, 292, 293, 294, 295, 72, 104, 204, 236, 205, 237, 206, 238, 207, 239, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301,
302, 303, 305, 73, 105, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 74, 106, 310, 311, 312, 75, 107, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 76, 108, 77, 109,
209, 241, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 78, 110, 330, 331, 186, 210, 242, 211, 243, 212, 244, 213, 245, 214, 246, 216, 248, 332, 333, 334, 335,
336, 337, 510, 511, 79, 111, 338, 339, 80, 112, 81, 113, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 82, 114, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 83, 115, 223,
383, 354, 355, 356, 357, 84, 116, 222, 254, 358, 359, 217, 249, 218, 250, 219, 251, 220, 252, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370,
371, 85, 117, 86, 118, 372, 373, 87, 119, 88, 120, 221, 253, 255, 376, 374, 375, 89, 121, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 90, 122, 902, 940, 913, 945,
914, 946, 915, 947, 916, 948, 904, 941, 917, 949, 918, 950, 905, 942, 919, 951, 920, 952, 906, 943, 912, 921, 953, 938, 922, 954, 923, 955, 924, 956,
925, 957, 926, 958, 908, 927, 959, 928, 960, 929, 961, 931, 962, 963, 932, 964, 910, 933, 965, 939, 944, 934, 966, 935, 967, 936, 968, 911, 937, 969 }

function mysearch(IEnd, w1)
    for i=1,IEnd do
      if (FARSortOrder[i]==w1) then return i end  -- found
   return 1                                       -- not found

Macro { description="*.Find selected file in passive panel";
        area="Shell Tree"; key="CtrlShiftLeft CtrlShiftRight"; flags="DisableOutput";
        action = function()
  if APanel.Type<=1 and PPanel.Type<=1 and PPanel.Visible then        -- 0=File panel, 1=folder tree
    s1=APanel.Current                                    -- active panel
    -- SEACRH 1: Select ".." / Using FastSearch
    if s1==".." then
      Keys("TAB HOME")                                   -- Switch PANEL !!! and select 1. item
      Keys("TAB HOME Alt<")                              -- Switch PANEL !!! and start FastSearch...
    -- SEACRH 2 (FastSearch didn't find same/similar filename)
    if APanel.CurPos==1 then                             -- Fastsearch didn't find anything
      bs1=s1:byte(1)                                     -- get value of 1. char
      local i1 = mysearch(#FARSortOrder,bs1)             -- Position of bs1 (PanelCurrent.1stChar) in table
      if i1==1 then exit() end                           -- not found (Cursor = HOME)
      local j=1
      local k=0   local kOld=0
      local c,    cOld
      for i=1,panel.GetPanelInfo(nil,1).ItemsNumber do
        c=panel.GetPanelItem(nil,1,i).FileName:byte(1)   -- searched char in table
        if c~=cOld then                                  -- not the same char... (behaves like Fastsearch)
          k = mysearch(i1,c)                             -- Position of FileName.1stChar in table
          if k>kOld then
            kOld = k
            j=i                                          -- remember CursorPos
            if kOld==i1-1 then break end                 -- preceding char found -> stop
      panel.RedrawPanel(nil,1,{CurrentItem=j,TopPanelItem=topItem})   -- SelctItem and Redraw ActivePanel

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Re: Far3: Macro to select same/similar file on other panel

Post by Shmuel »


Fast search is not meant to do "approximate" searches. Its algorithm does very well what it is designed for but it cannot do arbitrary things. Moreover, criteria of proximity between 2 file names may vary widely. IMHO, you should not use fast search for this task, it is not suitable for it.

What you can do is the following: write a function whose input are 2 file names and whose output is a number that expresses the "degree of proximity" between the 2 names (as you understand it, as it is very subjective). Then iterate on all files in the panel, calling this function for each file against a "reference" file. Then select the file that gave the maximal number during that iteration.

BTW: never use 0 as an offset in string.sub. Offsets may be either positive or negative but never 0. If it works then it is by chance.

BTW2: if you want Unicode rather than ASCII, you should use operator : on strings, i.e.

Code: Select all

string.upper(string.sub(FileName,1,1)) --> ASCII
FileName:sub(1,1):upper()              --> UTF-8
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Re: Far3: Macro to select same/similar file on other panel

Post by farman »

Thanks, Shmuel. I came to the same conclusion concerning FastSearch.
One thing I'm still not sure of is the compare algorithm. I would like to use the same sort algorithm in FAR. Do I have to test this out or is there a place where I can find information about that?
I thought of another way to solve this. Is it possible to place my SearchedFilename "virtually" in PassivePanel, let FAR do the work and then get the position etc.?
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Re: Far3: Macro to select same/similar file on other panel

Post by Shmuel »

farman wrote:One thing I'm still not sure of is the compare algorithm. I would like to use the same sort algorithm in FAR. Do I have to test this out or is there a place where I can find information about that?
See function far.GetPanelInfo, specifically fields SortMode and Flags.
farman wrote:I thought of another way to solve this. Is it possible to place my SearchedFilename "virtually" in PassivePanel, let FAR do the work and then get the position etc.?
I don't think it is possible.
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Re: Far3: Macro to select same/similar file on other panel

Post by farman »

I fixed the macro to overcome API limitations.
Fastsearch is still used. If Fastsearch does not find the file (= first letter of filename doesn't exist) then Macro searches for the next nearest file (first letter).
Maybe someone knows a better way.
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