Page 7 of 18

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Mon 12 Oct, 2009 09:58
by NightRoman

Latest post of the previous page:

= 4.2.5 =

*) Requires Far 2.0.1160. Event IPluginPanel.PuttingFiles now accepts arguments
as PuttingFilesEventArgs which has additional property Source - source path of
the files being processed. This is not a breaking change, but in Far 2.0.1145+
some operations cannot be performed correctly without this Source information,
such plugins have to be updated.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Sun 18 Oct, 2009 13:52
by NightRoman

= 4.2.6 =

(true for FarNet panels, simulation for Far file panels)

FarNet plugin panels on closing by Close() restore the original file panel
current and selected items. (Far does not do this itself, see Mantis 1114).

FarNet panel tools (available from the plugin menu) allow to work with multiple
FarNet panels and to simulate work with multiple standard Far file panels. You
-- push any FarNet plugin panel for later use (as usual);
-- shelve any standard Far file panel, i.e. keep its state (new feature!);
-- pop/unshelve previously pushed/shelved panels; the shown panel restores its
state: current and selected items and sort and view modes (new for file panels
+ restoring of selection is new for FarNet plugin panels).


*) IPanel: new method SelectNames(). It is introduced for *restoring* of the
selection (see above), but it can be used for other selection tasks as well.

*) IFar: removed method PushedPanels(). It is unlikely needed for external use.

*) IPluginPanel: property ActivePath is read only now.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Sat 24 Oct, 2009 17:37
by NightRoman

= 4.2.7 =

*) IFar: property Version is replaced with two properties: FarVersion and

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 13:45
by NightRoman

= 4.2.8 =

*** Requires Far 2.0.1181+ ***

*) IFar.ActivePath returns the internal Far current directory path. NOTE: this
is not always the same as the IPanel.Path of the active panel.

*) IPanel.GoToPath(): fixed wrong current item for paths ending with a slash.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Wed 28 Oct, 2009 18:04
by NightRoman

= 4.2.9 =

*) IFar.Msg(): new MsgOptions flags Gui and GuiOnMacro allow to show standard
Windows GUI message boxes. Do not use these flags without good reasons.

*) Far.exe.config: appSettings: added key FarNet.DisableGui. Allows to disable
GUI message boxes used internally in exceptional cases. Recommended (default)
value is false, i.e. special GUI messages are enabled.

*) For safety sake: avoiding unexpected results on exceptions during a running
macro IFar.ShowError() now stops a macro before showing an error dialog.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Mon 02 Nov, 2009 12:17
by NightRoman

= 4.2.10 =


*) New abstract class FarColumn and its simple implementation SetColumn. Use
SetColumn to define panel column type, width, and title or status column type
and width.

*) Properties ColumnTitles, ColumnTypes, ColumnWidths are replaced with new
property - array Columns.

*) Properties StatusColumnTypes, StatusColumnWidths are replaced with new
property - array StatusColumns.

New columns definition is perhaps slightly more verbose but it is more object
oriented and safe: with old version incorrect data could crash Far or lead to
displayed garbage. Also, it is now easier to change column options and order
after creation (both in code and at run time).

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Thu 05 Nov, 2009 12:24
by NightRoman

= 4.2.11 =

*** Requires Far 2.0.1200+ ***

*) Adapted for Far 2.0.1200 (IEditor.WordDiv).

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Mon 16 Nov, 2009 11:26
by NightRoman

= 4.2.12 =

*) Improved view of error messages and stack information shown on exceptions
when you press buttons [View info] and [Copy info] in exception dialogs.

*) Added class PluginException. If a plugin throws exceptions then for better
diagnostics it is recommended to use this or derived from this exceptions.

*) Minor internal tweaks.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Tue 17 Nov, 2009 12:01
by NightRoman

= 4.2.13 =

*** Far 2.0.1209+ ***

*) Updated IFar.GetDialogHistory() for Far 2.0.1208

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Thu 19 Nov, 2009 19:03
by NightRoman

= 4.2.14 =

*) IFar.Msg() with 'Gui*' options: it is OK to provide 'helpTopic' parameter,
it's not an error, it is simply ignored. Throw only on custom buttoms: they
are not supported in GUI mode.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Thu 03 Dec, 2009 15:36
by NightRoman

= 4.2.15 =

*** Far 2.0.1238+ ***

*) IEditor: new property ShowWhiteSpace: Gets or sets show white space flag.

*) Internal: more robust IFar.Dialog (current dialog). Note: implemented as
workaround: there is no such Far API, see Mantis 1179.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Sun 06 Dec, 2009 14:21
by NightRoman

= 4.2.16 =

*) Updated API code comments and documentation.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Tue 22 Dec, 2009 12:45
by NightRoman

= 4.2.17 =

*) Added section PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS to the Readme.txt; discribed a rare
problem of loading .NET plugins in x86 Far on x64 machines and a possible

*) API code comments and documentation.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Wed 23 Dec, 2009 17:08
by NightRoman

= 4.2.18 =

*) Version numbers: as far as FarNet and PowerShellFar are always built and
released together, from now on their version numbers will be the same.

*) FarNet updates: if you use FarNet together with PowerShell then it can be
updated together with PowerShellFar by a script distributed with PowerShellFar.

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Thu 24 Dec, 2009 14:39
by NightRoman

= 4.2.19 =

*) Archive structure: files LICENSE and History.txt moved to the plugin folder

Re: FarNet - .NET Far API and .NET plugin manager

Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 12:34
by NightRoman

= 4.2.20 =

*) IEditor: confusing property name "IsEnd" is changed to "IsLastLine".

*) API code comments and documentation.
