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Advanced Compare doesn't search subfolders within an archive

Posted: Sun 06 Mar, 2011 17:36
by saf2825
When opening an archive and run Advance compare to check for changed files since the last backup. I should compare them folder by folder and it's very very hard job.

It could be very time saving if Advanced Compare in Archives be able to search within Sub folders.

Re: Advanced Compare doesn't search subfolders within an arc

Posted: Mon 07 Mar, 2011 15:10
by pepak
When I was last developing a Compare plugin, it couldn't be done. That was maybe a year ago so perhaps things changed, but back then, it was impossible to implement reliably.

Re: Advanced Compare doesn't search subfolders within an arc

Posted: Wed 09 Mar, 2011 03:53
by Alexey Samlyukov

Re: Advanced Compare doesn't search subfolders within an arc

Posted: Wed 09 Mar, 2011 18:55
by saf2825
It Looks to fit my needs. maybe more!!!
But I can't use it because It didn't compile for Far2.0 x64.
I can't use it.
I tried to compile it by VS 2008 but there was a lot of errors.