Disable plugin cache for a specific plugin

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Disable plugin cache for a specific plugin

Post by pepak »

While developing a new plugin, I encountered an unexpected obstacle: The plugin works fine the first time it is loaded, but on subsequent starts, FAR notices that the plugin didn't change and won't even load the DLL into memory - it waits until the plugin actually gets used. Which is perfectly fine for most plugins, but my specific plugin only really needs to run once, when FAR is started, and from that moment on it doesn't even need to be loaded. Is there some way I can convince plugincache.db to not store information about my plugin, so that the plugin gets loaded every time FAR starts?
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Disable plugin cache for a specific plugin

Post by Yegor »

Мы не можем ждать милостей от Фара, взять их у него — наша задача! (C) Мичурин
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Disable plugin cache for a specific plugin

Post by pepak »

That's exactly it! Thank you!
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